24th May 2020

I’ve always believed in the innate good sense of people in this country. It’s the foundation stone of our jury service and election systems:  when all else fails, leave it to the people. In a few days time, a campaign will be launched which has received little publicity. The Campaign for Common Sense (CCS) will champion free speech and oppose the intolerance of hardline activism. 77% of the public want our politicians to focus on public services rather than PC concerns like transgender rights. 65% are fed up when union-driven protests disrupt ordinary workers’ lives. 64% believe there should be harsher sentences for young people involved in crime. And me? I wish for more respect for those in authority and for our elders to be taught in schools, and for international organisations like the UN and the WHO to crack down on terrorist-driven and corrupt, non-democratic countries. Wishful thinking? At least this enforced lockdown of the whole world has given us time to think and to re-evaluate society. Let’s clap for common sense.

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