10th May 2020

It’s only now, after a week of analysing my own writing, that I realise how much of myself is contained within those pages. It’s similar for all artists. Whether you paint portraits, act on stage, sing or dance - all these are not only useful ways of expunging your inner angst but also reveal how desperately we seek acceptance and applause from others.  During this global lockdown, other things have also emerged.  Starved of physical contact from outside the home, we’ve all migrated to 100% digital contact with others.  It reminds me of that old Star Trek episode from the 1960s, where a terribly-disfigured man is given the option of living as he is and contending with the disgust of the general public or living the rest of his life in a digital, dream-like world where no-one can see his deformities. He chooses the latter. When the Corona virus is finally over, how many of us would choose not to return to our old lives?

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