27th March 2022

Mothers Day here in the UK. and the clocks have gone forward. A time to reflect on the important things in life before it’s too late. You only ever have one mother, soneone who gives you unconditional love. When she’s gone, something irreversible happens, never to return. Many Ukrainian mothers have been arriving on these shores, the trusting hands of their little ones clutched tightly in theirs as they settle into an alien culture and lifestyle far away from everything they’ve ever known. I’ve just finished reading the lifestory of another mother who, 70+ years ago, also came to these shores after fleeing the terrors of the Holocaust. Just like today, young refugees back then, traumatised by war, arrived in the UK  where good people welcomed them into their family and set them on the track of a completely new life in a ‘foreign’ culture. How difficult their transition must have been, errors sometimes being made - not because the newcomers were bad people but simply because they didn’t understand the unwritten laws of life in this country. So, if Mothers Day tells us anything, it should be:  be kind to others for we know not what they may be suffering inside.

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