29th August 2021

 I’ve been watching the fascinating Undercover Boss, where every week the owner of a big conglomerate disguises himself whilst working amongst his more lowly employees. It’s amazing what the boss learns working under cover, seeing the other side of the coin. But then comes the best bit: seeing the workers’ faces when the boss reveals himself, corrects all the wrongs in the workplace, and then rewards deserving staff. That’s what’s wrong in the wider world: everyone sees only their own interpretation of what’s wrong. So many individuals display a deep feeling of injustice caused by ‘others’, who all seem to have what they haven’t.  So, what’s the solution?  Should we all live in a global commune then, where equal amounts of money are handed out in an equitable system?  Sounds like something of which Karl Marx might have approved, yet it was he who said the only way forward was by “revolutionary terror”. So that’s no good. We all want peace, not war. Back to square one then.  And me?  I’ve learned from the Undercover Boss programme. Empathy is all important. Try to put yourself in others’ shoes and do small things to help those in need. Only then can we understand the ills of this world and come together.

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