9th June 2019

Lights, camera, action....
Rehearsals are in full swing. Cecil B DeMille lurks in the wings. Hooray for Hollywood.  It’s the 1950s. A nervous girl is centre stage, mesmerised by her extrovert father. Why isn’t he shy and introverted like her? The answer’s staring her in the face. He’d lived in America. Slowly, slowly her life unfolds as she takes on board all that America can offer. First, as she experiences Britain in the ‘50s,  she learns about her father’s tribulations on Wall Street in 1929. In 1985 she crosses the Atlantic herself, zooms up the World Trade Center and, amidst much Yiddish humour, learns Brooklynese. Later she experiences Fla, LA, San Fr, Vegas, Sinatra at the Sands Theater. In the finale, does she emigrate to America as so many of her family did? Expect a sting in the tail.
....curtain rises on Tuesday. You’re all invited to the online party. On Tuesday, any time, click on
facebook.com/events/2377858309111342/  and enjoy music, entertainment, guest author appearances, quizzes on US cars and music. How to buy the ‘screenplay’: click the book cover on the right. See you Tuesday, from 10 am UK time.

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