16th September 2018

Is Corbyn another Petain - ‘peace’ at any price? My first impression on moving to France was how insular the French seemed.  What could have happened in the past to affect every single French citizen in such a marked way?  As a writer, I delved into original French texts to discover more. It soon became clear. A whole nation is guilt-ridden because of the actions of one man: Philippe Petain. This weak and old Vichy leader took the seemingly ‘easy’ route to peace by signing an armistice with Hitler. Corbyn too doesn’t see the point of war. But Churchill knew well enough.  Yes, try diplomacy with normal, educated world leaders but you can’t negotiate with tyrants and evil dictators. I’m not sure Corbyn can tell the difference! Voters beware: at general elections, make sure you vote for the one who fulfils the following minimum criteria: university educated, proven knowledge of national and global issues, balanced mental abilities, young and fit enough to deal with difficult global issues in a calm, measured way.  Petain was deficient in at least two of these criteria. Worried about the UK? Read my novel VICHYSSOISE to learn more about what went wrong in France. authl.it/52l

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