21st June 2009

Following the terrible Air France disaster and yesterday's smaller air disaster in Eastern France, I see the investigators are still no nearer finding the reasons. Some say it was iced-up pitot tubes; others that it was the very stormy weather. What is clear is what I've always said, to much critical dismay, it remains dangerous to fly. In the air we all rely on myriads of things: pilot perfection, mechanical excellence, no turbulence, air traffic controller perfection, perfect flying by others, birds.......
So, I was interested to read about survival techniques in the Sunday Times. They talk my kind of language. 'Denial and inactivity prepare people well for the roles of victim and corpse!' So, I've very kindly listed below some survival tips for those about to gamble on flying. Ways to improve your odds:
1. Do not, like most people, freeze when something bad happens.
2. Do not follow your habitual patterns of behaviour. React instantly to the unexpected.
3. Memorise the safety card.
4. Remember where the exit doors are. If possible, sit right by one.
5. Wear suitable clothes. This is not the time to wear those 4 inch fashionista heels and tight-bandage dress. (Him indoors: please note).
6. Do not treat air travel like some kind of party in the air.
There are only 2 variables in air travel accidents: either complete disaster for everyone, or a situation where human pro-action can be the difference between life and death. Above all, think: what is your life worth?
Happy flying everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always sit near the back too.

It always seems to be the tail end that survives intact.

What ever happened, and it looks as though the black boxes are gone forever, was sudden and cataclysmic,