2nd May 2021


Him indoors, ever the comedian, said he wanted a new Porsche, but this is what we got!  For the past week, we’ve seen English workmen close up, in all their glory. They worked very hard all day, without a break, and their craftsmanship has been a joy. I didn’t worry too much about masks and social distancing as they were working outside and we’ve now had our second vaccine. What a contrast, though, to our experiences in France. There they caused us headaches and were very expensive. French workmen are a strange breed. Don’t even think of hiring them in August, when the whole country shuts down for four weeks. And, jobs there can drag on for ever when 3-4 hours each day are taken for the notorious lunch/siesta breaks.  There was no bureaucracy here and we haven’t even paid a penny to our English builder yet. You do have to offer English builders frequent tea/coffee though, which French builders always refuse, but that wasn’t a problem. Trouble is, from the name on our new bell push (Byron), people think I’m a poet!

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