This lockdown is giving us all time to reflect on our lives. There’s no news, either locally or globally, other than the Coronavirus. Healthwise, no-one seems to be suffering from any illness at all, other than the dreaded virus. Brand new Nightingale hospitals have been rushed into operation, but seem to be empty.  Whilst, on one hand, that’s good news, many are asking why we can’t treat all the Covid patients in these new, purpose-built facilities by specially trained staff, leaving our existing hospitals available for patients with other serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease. Healthy people over 70 are being told they must continue lockdown for a year!  I understand the difficulties and the need to protect the vulnerable, but as the lockdown is slowly eased for everyone else, it would be better to separate those older but healthy individuals from the genuinely vulnerable with pre-existing health conditions. So, to summarise: we need the media to report other news, the NHS to get back to treating cancer patients and to ease lockdown for all healthy people, irrespective of age.

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