10th November 2019

Yesterday was 91119. Yesterday was also the 81st anniversary of Kristallnacht, a seminal point in the persecution of one, innocent, group of people. What triggered it? In 1938, although there had been much discrimination in Germany against  the Jewish community, e.g. attacks on synagogues, the boycott of Jewish shops and the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Kristallnacht is generally viewed as the start of the Holocaust. Fast forward to today. Attacks yet again on synagogues, media defamations, antisemitic graffiti etc.  So, what can we do to stop the path to yet another Kristallnacht? Study the backgrounds of all election candidates before they gain power. Have they befriended terrorists or human rights abusers in the past? Don’t give power to a budding Hitler, whether from the right or left wing. Look back at history. Don’t sleepwalk into yet another abuse against innocents.

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