15th September 2019

Fifty years ago our first, beautiful, child was born. 1969. A time before computers, social media, mobile phones and the ‘So..’ generation. But, for me, the biggest change was in personal development. Back then, at 20, I was intensely introverted. Everything I did, I worried about what others might think. This self-deprecation lasted until both children left home, when I began the big transformation. In 2000 I graduated with an Honours degree and in 2005, at last, I started to do what I wanted to do (rather than what I felt others dictated.) All my former angst went into seven books. So therapeutic. People whom I hated in real life?  ‘Kill them off’ on the written page! And now, I have a new book contract in yet another nom de plume. In the news this week, another author generated queues in London for her latest book. Her age? 79. So, never give up hope. And when is my new novel out? 5 Jan 2020. Chance for me yet. Watch this space..