14th July 2019

July 14th. For the French it’s either Bastille day, commemorating mob rule, or la Fete de la Federation, celebrating national unity. Here in the UK, the constant divide over the EU reaches its zenith as the next PM raises his blond head above the parapet. In New Zealand, following their recent gun-toting massacre, Jacinda Ardern couldn’t fathom how weapons that could cause such large-scale death could be obtained legally there. But bravo Jacinda who, unburdened by archaic national Amendments, has this week introduced new legislation to ban all military-style weapons and to offer cash to all citizens who hand in such lethal weapons. Are you listening America? Globally, all leaders need to change old, out of date, mindsets and - like Jacinda - do what’s right for the 21st century. Forget old ‘Bastille Day’ mentality. Repeat after me, today we all celebrate a day of national unity. Vive la paix!

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