5th May 2019

Last night I was watching Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. A hapless hotel manager from New Jersey not only had to Google recipes in the kitchen before cooking them, his customer style with guests contrasted sharply with what a British hotelier would say. To a wedding party, champagne bottle in hand: “Hi all, I’m gonna top you all off.”  Hardly what a discreet British butler would say. That’s one reason I wrote my latest book An Englishwoman in America. From 1950s Britain to Trump’s America, no-one is left unscathed in my humorous account of life across the pond. You can read how Britain and the US are divided over language, culture, humour, health, sport, government, gun law, religion, patriotism and even sex! Released on 11 June, it’s now available to pre-order. Just click the image on the right. Enjoy!

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