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UK politics is full of accusations against the Labour party of Holocaust denial. Such thought processes tend to happen in those who are desperate to justify their innate anti-semitism, however illogical, and despite reams of historical proof and witting testimony.  It’s over 70 years since WW2. Does the world never learn?  

I’d love to start a discussion on Facebook over who made the right decision in those dark days: Churchill in England  on declaring war on Hitler and everything he stood for, or Petain in France on signing an armistice with Germany in a misguided attempt to protect his people from war? 

Everyone should make sure they are aware of what actually happened both before and during WW2 in the UK, Germany and France. Read LAMPLIGHT (, then VICHYSSOISE ( and let me know your opinion.  If you’re quick, you can get each of them for just 99p/99c until Friday 27th.

Only with education can we hope to change hearts and minds.

1 comment:

Lizzie Chantree said...

Such great book covers!