1st October 2017

Extremism is no good, especially in world politics. Whilst Corbyn hails the UK unions' strength, Macron launches the opposite in France. "Concrete and major measures," said Macron, overhauling France's complex labour laws to tackle mass unemployment and make France more competitive globally. Of course, the French unions don't like it. It will reduce their hefty influence and end the jobs-for-life culture that Macron says is a brake on economic growth.  Just like the UK argument: Labour v Conservative.  Remember the 70s, when Union leader Scargill was at his height? I certainly do. Sitting at home, 9 months pregnant, with no electricity or heat and outside no rubbish collections or even burials. I wonder how many in the UK know the salaries of top Union leaders like Len McCluskey?  Whilst apparently sympathising with his members' pay freeze he awards himself a pay rise of 3.7% to over £140,000 p.a. I always mistrust their motives: are they really trying to help workers, or merely wanting to sustain their own personal power? Union leaders should never gain so much strength that they are effectively running the government. I hate extremism of any kind: far right (Hitler) or far left (Communism). What the UK needs is a Macron-type centrist government.

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