Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against the sea of troubles and by opposing, end them? Well, that's what Hamlet thought. But after 8  years of living in France, what do I think? 
Last week I was contacted and interviewed for the local Gaillac magazine. They were doing a survey of recent new arrivals. Unfortunately, for me, the French are the most unfriendly people towards strangers I've ever met. Surprisingly, however, the reporter from the Maire's office agreed with me! 'That is the French way'.  The best comparison I can make is with the Americans, whom I've found to be the most friendly in the world.  They go out of their way to welcome new arrivals in every way imaginable. Of course I also told the Gaillac reporter of my love for the French sunshine, food and quality of life. But, in a recent survey, amongst other EU nations France was also named as the most arrogant. Clearly, then, M. Hollande needs to do something about the attitudes of French people in general if he is to improve tourism. But what of me? Because of my family health background I need as much sunshine as possible, but because of my East European background, I need to relate to friendly people to improve my innate pessimism. Oy vay!

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