10th January 2010

Bienvenu to all new readers. You're very welcome indeed. Me and Him indoors need all the help we can get in this new year. His aches and pains are getting worse, but when the doctor says it's his age, he says his other shoulder's just the same age and that doesn't hurt!
So, I wonder what this new year will bring to we hardy souls? We've actually got snow outside. Imagine. It's supposed to be the south of France, but no-one told Him upstairs. Of course, everyone's sceptical about global warming and saying someone's having a laugh. But my feeling is that - just maybe - all that melting Arctic ice has made the Atlantic waters rise just enough to skew the warming Gulf Stream away from the UK and western Europe. You've only got to look at an atlas to see how far north the UK is - much further north than, say, Maine in the US, yet look at the winters they get. Maybe the days of mild English winters are changing. On verra.
More certain French changes in 2010 are: new Ryanair flights from Leeds to Carssonne and Montpellier; Parisians will be able to use their mobile phones on buses instead of travel passes; you can now use the internet to vote, replace your carte grise, carte vitale, French driving licence etc.; and mobile phone manufacturers will use the same kind of adapter (micro-USB port) to simplify life for users. We need some welcome, helpful news. The doctor tells us we're not getting any younger. Him indoors says: it's not younger I want to get, but older.....

1 comment:

SueC said...

..and maybe we were just due another cold winter as in 1947 ( before my time of course) and 1962. Whatever the reason we have had snow on the ground since before Christmas AND IT CAN GO NOW!