My father once said to me: to be famous you need to say the right thing at the right time to the right person.
Watching the YouTube video of Susan Boyle - from the Britain's Got Talent show - brought this home to me. Here was a middle-aged woman, who walked in front of an audience and got the typical reaction: laughter. How dare someone so old, plain and out-of-fashion have the effrontery to think she was a star? The cameras panned onto the faces of the illustrious judges, then across the young faces in the audience. All were laughing in sheer disbelief.
And then she started to sing.....
If you haven't watched the video, I recommend it. Not so much for her voice - which brings a tingle down the spine - but for the story it unfolds. Just Google on Susan Boyle, then turn on your PC speakers. From the first few bars of 'I dreamed a dream' from Les Miserables, it was absolutely obvious that she was a star.
In another genre, I was reading about a new Star Trek movie just out. Back in my heyday of the early '60s, the original TV series was a flop. It wasn't until they relaunched it in the early '70s that it suddenly took off (literally).
What I'm trying to show here is that my father's original message was correct. Having talent or an original idea isn't quite enough. Susan Boyle's voice wasn't any less good when she got thrown out from the X-Factor and all those other auditions she tried. The Star Trek series broadcast in the '60s was still just as good. For both of them, the message was right, it might even have been to the right people, but it wasn't the right time.
Maybe for me and my writing, I'm like Susan Boyle. The message is right. Maybe the right people haven't yet read it. Maybe the right time is just around the corner.......
I dreamed a dream...
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