Since 1883, a poem by Emma Lazarus was witting testimony to how America was viewed globally. ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..’   My own relative, aunt Babette, had cause to be very grateful as she arrived at Ellis Island aboard the Majestic in 1924. But, until her death at the age of 90, how much did the prevailing culture in bustling Brooklyn change her from that young, poor girl from Birmingham, England?  And my own father, who lived in NY at the time of the financial crash in 1929 - what effect did his eight years over there have on him?   I intended to find out. America seems to be in my blood, yet despite considering and undertaking considerable research about emigrating there, ultimately it never happened. Why? Nevertheless, our two adult children are each married to an American and they both live in Maine - that cold, most-northerly of the eastern seaboard States.
Time to study the essential differences between Britain and the US.  An Englishwoman in America takes us on a humorous journey across America, studying the language, culture, humour, health, sport, government, gun laws, religion, patriotism and even sex. An essential read for everyone. Get your copy here:

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