17th March 2019

I’d wanted to watch top-rated film Darkest Hour for a long time as Churchill features strongly in both Lamplight and Vichyssoise. The film didn’t disappoint. Bizarrely, at exactly the same time, on live TV, scenes of the same House of Commons almost 80 years later were mesmerising the nation. But what a contrast. Whilst Oldman, with a forceful Churchill speech, was holding spellbound a rapt House of Commons, today’s live TV version was very different. ‘The ayes have it; the ayes have it’ was comical and depressing at the same time. Where was the “..blood, toil, tears and sweat..”?  Where  “..we shall never surrender..”?  The bit in the film I loved was where the PM takes a ride on London’s Tube and asks the public whether the nation should appease Germany. Never! they shouted. Today’s PM should also listen to the public. Oh, how we need Churchill today!

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