24th February 2019

When watching TV’s The Apprentice, a common tactic is to swap the contestants from one group to another. So too in politics, it seems.  Twelve MPs left their original parties last week. Some say a further 20 are also on the brink. It doesn’t help that the new grouping is called TIG (The Independentent Group), reminding me of that ‘50s childhood game of the same name and similar motive! So, why have the 12 left?  Of the 8 original Labourites, deeply-entrenched antisemitism loomed large, driven by a leader who even now doesn’t understand it stems from him. At least in France, that intelligent young leader Macron understands that anti-Zionism is the modern form of antisemitism. But with Corbyn there’s something else. Why doesn’t he want a second Brexit referendum? Because the EU would stifle his ambitions of leading Britain in a new Marxist state. We don’t want extremism. We don’t want to run out of food. Please can we stop playing childish games!

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