27th May 2018

Make no mistake. The clock’s ticking for Europe. Its only hope is if a miracle happens and Britain stops the exit before the ref blows the final whistle. Don’t just take my word for it. Great minds like French philosopher Bernard-Henry Levy say the same “The EU will collapse because when the body is deprived of its brain and heart, its spirit dies.” And I thought the French didn’t like the British. He says the British were asked a stupidly simple question about a very complex problem - at best foolishly irresponsible, at worst sinfully illegal. If next March arrives without a second referendum, the die is cast. Already cracks in the EU are evident, with first Greece and now Italy on the brink of pulling out due to bankruptcy. And all the while Germany prospered. Was the whole EU project flawed from the start with the cards stacked heavily in Germany’s favour to the detriment of everyone else? Faites vos jeux, Mesdames/Messieurs.

1 comment:

Carol Hedges said...

Very interesting. I have also heard the opposite point of view: that the UK will be punished so heavily that the rest of the 27 will not dare to step out of line.
Interesting ~ and rather scary times!