28th January 2018

Vigicrues, the French flooding agency, has never seen anything like it. Already the waters of the Seine swirl around the waist of the famous river statue, once famously reaching its beard. In Israel archaeological experts have discovered the remains of a large army plus chariot pieces near the Red Sea. Evidence that the Israelite bible story, where rising waters consumed the Egyptian army, really happened. So, flooding was endemic centuries ago, long before so-called man-made causes. Globally, house builders on coastal sites and on large river plains should construct buildings on stilts. Wherever possible man should choose to live in the centre of a land mass, well away from tidal surges and river overflows. I believe there’ll come a time when in, say, the US most of Florida will someday be submerged and whole islands disappear. Time for global warming conferences to focus not on potential causes but on dealing with it!

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