4 January 2015

Still haven't got used to writing 2015 yet. So what's France proposing? I like the sound of the proposed new PAYE system. Anything that means I haven't to quake every April at having to complete a French tax form in French is a good idea! I'm never sure I've done it right and, being me, expect the gendarmes at the door any moment. Additionally France is removing the first income tax band, so that an estimated 9 million low-earners won't have to pay. Also like the idea of the new 'hotel hospitals', which will be a half-way house between home and hospital - a much cheaper, and personalised/adapted, way to convalesce after operations. Maybe the UK should look at this as a way of saving money so as to direct more funds to patient care.  All in all, 2015 sounds promising. But, looking out the window, it's minus temperatures again. (Are you listening IDS?)  Him indoors says it's like in Mississippi. What? Yes, it's Tupelo (2 below.....)!

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