2nd February 2014

When will it ever stop raining?  Can't get into the garden, so daydreaming again. I suppose my love for France started over 50 years ago when I went on a school exchange trip to Paris. Ah Paris! Because I'd grown up poor, main meals just being one course, I remember being astonished in Paris being presented with a plate of just haricots verts. Didn't realise back then that this was just the first course. The beans tasted like nothing I'd ever tasted before. Can still savour the flavour - probably tossed in onion and garlic in olive oil. Today, although le bien manger is still the same, Paris is very different. Don't even think of driving in the city as you'll learn a language that isn't exactly French! So, to improve tempers, Paris has introduced new ways to pay for parking - yes, those dreaded phone apps. Soon there'll be no more parking machines; just pay using the Vinci-paybyphone app.  But, but, how will passing wardens know that you've paid, I ask?  Surely they won't walk all along a street, using their phones to check each car's database?? And, without the machines, how will you know whether you can park there or not? Visit Paris by train and metro, I say.  Much better. And apps?  Sends us in-Seine...

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